Kshar - Sutra Therapy
Kshar Sutra Treatment is the treatment of choice in most patients suffering from Fistula in Ano. Though Kshar Sutra treatment is a classical
Ayurveda technique for operating almost all Ano Rectal Ailments like Fissure, Fistula,
Heamorhoids, Peri-Anal Abscess and various others.
The procedure consists of placing or ligating the concerned tissue with a specially medicated thread called the
Kshar-Sutra ( Sutra i.e. thread ). The special thread used in this procedure is coated and recoated about 14 to 21 times with different herbal
medicines and ash extracts (Kshar) of some herbs.
The Kshar Sutra is used to ligate piles or is passed through the fistula as required. The medicines aid the cutting and healing process.
The Advantages of This Procedure Over the Conventional Type of Surgery:
No Surgery Required
Rate of relapse .01%,
Time taken to cure - 10 days to a month for Piles and Fissure, depending upon the severity.
- 25 days to 3 months for Fistula Perineal
Sinus, depending upon severity.